Live. Laugh. Love.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Red Pony By John Steinbeck

1. physical description of the character- The author doesn’t give a physical description of Alice, but if I had to describe her I would say that she has blonde hair pulled into a long braid that falls over her shoulder, with ocean blue eyes, and a skinny face with high cheek bones. She isn’t supporting a summer tan, but her petite figure makes the red calico dress she wears look flattering.

2. personality of character - Alice Trask is quiet, courteous, and hardly ever shows emotion. She doesn't make decisions for herself and is quite often told what to do.

3. motivation of character - Alice doesn't really have much motivation during the novel because her husband leaves. She goes through trials that don't help motivate her.

4. conflicts the character faces, how that character deals with the conflicts and the outcomes of conflicts - Cyrus, her husband, leaves to go fight

5. changes the character undergoes during the course of the novel. Alice has to deal with her husband leaves for the Army. This stress must have been a great deal because she dies shortly after he leaves.

6. personal connections (or a lack of) you made with the character - I don’t think Alice and I are similar in any way because I’m not quiet, shy, or hardly show emotion. I’m loud, obnoxious, and sarcastic. We are complete opposites.

7. your opinion of the character and his/her/its effectiveness in the novel. I think that Alice wasn't very effective in the novel. She is the second wife to Cyrus Trask and that is probably it. She doesn't have a big role other than just being and understanding wife.